Saturday, February 9, 2013

Movie Feature: The Impossible

do you watch shows like Wish Ko Lang or The Locator? i do. my eyes well-up in tears whenever a big reunion is happening. who doesn't? one reunion for instance, makes it to news headlines last year when a facebook photo attracts netizens and even local media to help find lolo Luis Matias.

what are the odds?

that's the same question i had last night after watching "The Impossible". Watch the trailer here.

"A regular family - Maria (Naomi Watts), Henry (Ewan McGregor) and their three kids - travel to Thailand to spend Christmas. They get an upgrade to a villa on the coastline. After settling in and exchanging gifts, they go to the pool, like so many other tourists. A perfect paradise vacation until a distant noise becomes a roar. There is no time to escape from the tsunami; Maria and her eldest are swept one way, Henry and the youngest another. Who will survive, and what will become of them? Written by Ronaldo Ferreira"

i cannot imagine how will you figure out an escape plan when this kind of catastrophe strikes like a thief in the night. will you just wait and embrace your fate? I.DON'T.KNOW.
photo courtesy: Google
this was when Henry(Ewan McGregor) tried making it to the pool with his two younger sons Thomas and Simon.
meanwhile, this is Lucas and Maria's(Naomi Watts) reunion after an unimaginable tsunami struck ashore.
amidst the wounds she suffer, Maria convinced Lucas to respond to a cry of help they hear from afar. This is Daniel, a swedish boy which was reunited with his father at the end of the film.
and Lucas helped her mom climb the tree just in case tsunami strikes again. this was the part my eyes started welling. a young boy like him surely isn't prepared for such things but does his best to be the source of their strength.
it was a relief seeing these three were together but Henry had to send his two boys off the mountains where a relocation site was while he continues his search for his wife and Lucas.
but unknown to him, both Lucas and Maria are in one of the hospitals while the latter was being aided by the doctor due to blood loss. here, Lucas, in one of my favorite parts, followed her mother's will to help in any way he can. his small deed helped reunite a lone boy and a father.
due to simon's need to pee, it paved the way to their reunion. how? please watch the movie, heheh!
a tear-jerking reunion.
they are hoping for the best while Maria is in the operating room.

the movie was very touching and the acting chops are believable. it is a great reminder for all of us that no matter how difficult life my become, the last people that will stand by your side is your family.

"Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten."  -- David Ogden Stiers 



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