Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ilocos Trip in Pictures pt. 4

“The farther you go, however, the harder it is to return. The world has many edges, and it's easy to fall off.” 
― Anderson Cooper

we sleep like a babe the whole night. our feet may hurt a bit, sunburns on the side however we all knew that we are not like we are before. we have few stories to share now to the world and how good travelling is for everyone. big travels. small travels. does.not.matter. 

like what we did on our second day, we rose early to check on the rising sun. its as if catching the last train to nowhere. how could you afford missing this?

the sunrise in the province is still the best for me. waking up hearing as the sleepy town starts its daily routine makes you appreciate how beautiful but not as complicated life should really be. we're off to end this Ilocandia trip today but we are not letting it conclude without visiting the places northern Ilocos offers(we are staying in the southern part by the way).

the travel to Ilocos sur took us almost 2 hours. on our way, our driver asked us if we are willing to visit their town's main cathedral where its sinking bell tower is situated.

the church's facade.
the main altar.
the sinking bell tower.
being a catholic, i offered prayers of thanks and safety for our trip. when we're done, we continued and yet again, decided to check on one of Philippine's heroes. we visited Juan Luna's ancestral home which is just within the area.
photo credit: Pam

the family.
The Parisian Life. the mystery of the painting is way unbelievable. nakakapanindig balahibo ika nga.
the Duraan. this is where they used to spit. gara lang di ba?
the master bed. that's Juan Luna's photo.
the bed by the way is a prized "Atay".
Luna's chinas.

eggs, muds and bricks is what this house was made from.
the hero. the painter.
the kalesa. going to Manila from Ilocos will take you about a week. Sabi ng tour guide.
the church where Luna was baptized as a child. a couple of blocks from his ancestral home.
the altar.
the trip continued and we decided to just have lunch at the Hidden Garden Vigan. since we can pass by Pinagburnayan pottery in Ilocos, we decided to check it first. there were souvenir shops in the area, a kalesa ride for those who would like to try it, and of course pots, hahah! my friends decided to buy trinkets and shirts for pasalubong but i gave in to hunger. i just went back to our van.

watch out for my next post. i will feature the place where we had our lunch. :)



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